Category Archives: Berlin

Pomelo & Pellegrino

I recently discovered a little shop near my office that sells Pomelo a citrus fruit I first encountered on a trip to Thailand. This fantastic fruit is the perfect snack. It’s crisply, tangy, sweeter than a grapefruit, very low in fat but filling, lots of vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants and said to fight the signs of aging. Sounds good to me!


Since I’ve moved to Berlin I’ve been doing Shellac every other week. Shellac is a nail polish that is dried under UV light and lasts much longer than a regular nail polish. Much longer. My nails are thin and unhappy and regular polishes rarely looks nice more than 2 days. At the same time it is not as thich as the gel that I tried previously when I lived in Stockholm. For me the Shellac looks perfect for up to two weeks, and it’s such a relief to not have to do your nails every other day. I’ve found a little place near my apartment where I can get it done for 15 EUR (!!). Perfection in 35 min. The only downside is that there aren’t too many nice colors to choose from, no Chanel-ish hues. It’s more black, red, burgundy or taupe. Basta. But it works! And I highly recommend it.


